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  • Time Management

    Wow! Summer is already over and fall is well underway. As a small business owner/entrepreneur and a mom, summers can be very busy and good time management is key in staying motivated and getting the job done. Many people may not realize it but my job consists of more than just graphic design. I find…

  • The Artistic Process

    For every artist this process will differ. But for all of us it always starts with an idea, a start and a finish. How we get there is up to each of us individually. Creativity also has it’s limits  –  these may be time, mood, and/or inspiration. This series of images shows the start to finish…

  • “All good things must come to an end”

    Out with the old and in with the new! As the saying goes “all good things must come to an end” and when it comes to technology, design and keeping you and your business current with the times that includes updating your website. I had had my previous website since I started my business and…