“All good things must come to an end”

Out with the old and in with the new! As the saying goes “all good things must come to an end” and when it comes to technology, design and keeping you and your business current with the times that includes updating your website. I had had my previous website since I started my business and it was great when I first debuted it to the world wide web but as the years pass by (about 8 of them with regards to me) so does what I’ve worked and what you, as a client have come to expect of a designer.

My previous site was static and there was not a lot of opportunity to showcase anything new that I’ve been working on or to share with you anything I find interesting pertaining to the design world. Now with my new and updated WordPress site I can add new projects, let you know about exciting events other clients have going on and generally just connect with you on a more frequent level.

I am excited to showcase what I have contributed to the creative world in the last few years and hope you enjoy my new site as much as I do.

Check back soon for my next post!

