Time Management

Wow! Summer is already over and fall is well underway.

As a small business owner/entrepreneur and a mom, summers can be very busy and good time management is key in staying motivated and getting the job done.

Many people may not realize it but my job consists of more than just graphic design. I find myself wearing many “hats” to create a smoothly run, successful business.

I am first and foremost a designer but I also manage the office administration, bookkeeping, social media, marketing, IT and customer service/relations part of the business – and during the summer months I am also activity co-ordinator for my son.

Sometimes things can get a bit hectic and the downtimes are most welcome. During these times I am able to recharge, spend more time with my family and focus on getting back to my more creative side by working on my latest painting. I am also able to spend this extra time “not working” on thinking of what can make my business evolve and grow with the times.

Overall it is a delicate balance, but once you find what works for you and your business the rewards are forthcoming in a truly gratifying way!